Bonding with pets is an eternal factor of Human civilization from ancient times. Even in mythological age also a lot of stories were famous about human bonding with pets .Love and affection for pet animals is therefore almost a natural instinct of human beings.
With the advent of time, bonding with pets have also changed it’s character and a number of new concepts have also emerged. Requirement of pets have also changed significantly and more scientific approach and techniques have come in place for maintaining pets.
In present days digital world when people are fighting with time and extraordinarily pre occupied with their professional and family life, maintaining pets with required inputs is becoming a challenge. Getting required foods, training them in proper way, arrangement of proper supplement and keeping them fit and healthy has become a point of concern for any pet owner . At the same time the pet owner need to remain updated about the scientific methods and approaches and also techniques for maintaining pets which are getting invented regularly for keeping the pets healthy and strong in this fast changing nature and environment.
Keeping into consideration, the above mentioned factors,PETNET has been designed and developed primarily to address the requirement of maintaining pet animals in modern world. PETNET in one word is a complete digital platform for pets. It is a portal which delivers all required information about maintenance of pets including health information for them.
At the same time , PETNET is also a complete E COMMERCE platform where pet owners can do on line shopping of pet products and thereby can save their time and energy required for going to pet shops. Needless to mention that on going COVID scenario which restricts movement of pet owners, makes ON LINE shopping an automatic choice for them for their pets.
PETNET is therefore both a search engine and E COMM platform developed solely for pet animals. It is unique in nature and operation and it functions as ONE STOP SOLUTION for all pet related issues . The concept of this portal is the brain child of a number of PET LOVERS and they have active contributions in developing the same.
All Pet lovers are therefore invited cordially to visit because we are sure that IF U LOVE YOUR PET U WILL LOVE PETNET
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